Frequently Asked Questions
How does GFA direct traffic and leads to my website?
We have a few different ways we can cooperate with you and send traffic and leads and even paying customers (on a case by case basis) to your business. Here are the options:
Form on our website - we have many forms on our website to help our visitors connect with the right service provider. They are found while reading blogs, help pages, and other audio and video content on the site. When the visitor completes the form they are told a partner company will be in touch soon. This information is then routed to your sales and business development team for followup.
Button / Link to your website - the most common way is to have a button on our website that sends the visitor to your website. We can have various methods to track the clicks and traffic to your website. This is best if the page we are sending the visitor to is customized for the offer mentioned, and in clear English with clear directions.
Sell a specific offer - As mentioned in the intro, on a case by case basis, we can sell a product or service you are offering directly on Global From Asia. We are building out more offers and deals site packages. If you would like us to sell your service on your behalf, or put together a special package to offer on our deals site, please speak to your representative.
As an added bonus - we suggest to give them a reason to say they came from Global From Asia - such as a coupon or accelerated review and reply.
Are you more interested in Global From Asia’s online community? (More Online)
We have put together a more online version of the GFA Partners package for those who are interested in the online community we have put together.
GFA Webinars - we have live webinars on a regular basis, and these are what we call EVENTS - except online. We invite guests from your company to join us, cover some educational content, and of course make a special offer on the end of the webinar for a limited time - to drive conversion.
GFA deals - This is a case-by-case situation, but if we can put together a fixed price offer that is at a super low price then we can combine this with the GFA webinar offer and put on our Deals site.
GFA social media - by participating in our GFA webinar series, you will get extra exposure on our online social media via our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Wechat, and other channels. We can customize the channels and markets you are looking for based on the requirements you have.
Is CBS and CBM a non-profit?
What is the difference between CBM and CBS events?
CBM, Cross border Matchmaker, is less about speakers and more about round tables and business speed dating. It is a full day event where we bring together experts in the local and international community to share their knowledge and expertise in the form of round tables of 8 to 12 people. So imagine a conference room full of round tables with experts connecting with those in the community and rotating throughout the day. The frequency of this event and the exact structure is also dependent on that local market’s demands.
What is the difference of GFA, CBM, CBS?
Changing/Updating details on a posted paid review
For every posted review, it is deemed final. Request for changes (due to changes in company name, or logo, or whatever it is), is subject for a change fee. That, or you can sign up for a yearly package. To be clear, changes are not as easy as deleting something then copying and pasting new details.
I'm a Marketing Agency, Can we Cooperate?
Sure! We think you yourself as a company can benefit from connecting in our community as a GFA partner. On top of that, you can also bring in some of your clients as a GFA partner and we can work out a win-win deal. The idea is we are a channel for companies to connect in the cross border community.
Do you have a list of your previous events?
What ROI Should I Expect?
How Many Sponsors Will You Have? Will People See My Brand?
What skill is requested most?
Are most participants NA, EU or Asia based?
What do you want your participants to gain from attending
Total participants
How big are the organizations (one woman shows or larger firms)
What are Past attendees profiles?
How far along are they with their products (everyone in productions and selling or are they still figuring out product design)
Which product categories are most common among participants?
Most common product category would be in consumer electronics and home/kitchenware. Although I think you know many sellers do not like to disclose their ASIN 😉
How long does it take?
Depends! If an affiliate - almost immediate, if a strategic partners, months or even years!